Small Blue Bird

The small bluebirds are a species of largely omnivorous or insectivorous small birds native to North America that belong to the thrush family's Sialia genus and order of passerines (Turdidae). One of the few thrush genera found in the Americas is the small bluebird.


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Indigo bunting
Indigo bunting

Indigo bunting

The indigo bunting is a small seed-eating bird of the Cardinalidae family. During the breeding season, it migrates from southern Canada to northern Florida, and during the winter, it migrates from southern Florida to northern South America. It frequently migrates at night, navigating by the stars. Farmland, brushy regions, and open woods make up its habitat.

The indigo bunting is a little songbird that looks like a small sparrow. Its length is 11.5 to 15 cm (4.5 to 5.9 in), and its wingspan is 18 to 23 cm (7.1–9.1 in). Body mass ranges from 11.2-21.4 g, with an average of 14.5 g.

The indigo bunting searches for food in bushes, trees, and on the ground. It frequently feeds in groups with other indigo buntings in the winter but alone by itself during the breeding season. The species consumes a variety of insects, seeds, and berries during the breeding season, such as caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders, beetles, and grass seeds. Grass seeds make up the majority of its diet throughout the winter, however it occasionally consumes buds and insects. Initially, the young are fed primarily insects as a source of protein. The indigo bunting does not typically drink much because it usually gets enough water from its food.

Food and Feeding

Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird

Western Bluebird

The western bluebird measures between 15 and 18 cm in length and is a tiny, stocky bird (5.9 to 7.1 in). The adult male has a grey belly and undertail coverts, an orange breast and flanks, a brownish patch on the back, and a vivid blue top and throat.

The adult female's body, wings, and tail are a duller shade of blue. She also has a grey throat, dull orange breasts, a grey belly, and grey undertail coverts. Both sexes have a rather short tail and a slender, straight bill. Birds that are immatures have duller colours than adults and patches on their back and chest.

When in search of berries and worms, the western bluebird pounces on the ground. When possible, it also uses flight to capture aerial prey like insects. Water from adjacent streams and frequently used bird baths are consumed by western bluebirds. These birds hover on a perch while waiting to fly down and grab insects—sometimes even in mid-air. They primarily eat berries and insects.

Food and Feeding

Persian Cat

Blue Grosbeak
Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeak

The blue grosbeak is a medium-sized passerine bird of the Cardinalidae family of North America. It is primarily migratory, breeding in northern Mexico and the southern United States while spending the winter in Central America. The male has two brown wing bands and is blue. The female is primarily dark with two brown wing bands and sporadic blue feathers on the upperparts.

The deep blue male blue grosbeak has black and brown feathers on its wings. Most of the female is brown. The twin wing bars and broad, deep bills of both sexes serve as distinguishing features. These characteristics set the grosbeak apart from the indigo bunting, as does its relatively bigger size. Wingspan is between 26 and 29 cm, while length can range from 14 to 19 cm (5.5 to 7.5 in) (10 to 11 in). The average body weight is between 26 and 31.5 g.

The indigo bunting searches for food in bushes, trees, and on the ground. It frequently feeds in groups with other indigo buntings in the winter but alone by itself during the breeding season. The species consumes a variety of insects, seeds, and berries during the breeding season, such as caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders, beetles, and grass seeds. Grass seeds make up the majority of its diet throughout the winter, however it occasionally consumes buds and insects. Initially, the young are fed primarily insects as a source of protein. The indigo bunting does not typically drink much because it usually gets enough water from its food.

Food and Feeding

My Rotten Dogs


Will small birds eat Sunflower Seeds ?

Sunflower seeds are a popular food source for all garden birds, and their variety of sizes and types makes them great for small and large birds alike.

What is the name of a small blue bird ?

Indigo Buntings are very blue, and are often confused with bluebirds. Other small to medium-sized native birds with blue bodies include: Buntings: Blue Bunting, Indigo Bunting, Lazuli Bunting, Painted Bunting, Varied Bunting. Jays: Blue Jay, Florida Scrub-Jay, Mexican Jay, Pinyon Jay, Steller's Jay, Western Scrub-Jay.

Small blue bird
Small blue bird
Small blue bird
Small blue bird

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